12 Reasons Why Laughter is the Best Medicine: How to Boost Your Mood and Fight Stress
Do you need a quick pick-me-up? Are you feeling stressed out? If so, then you should try laughter therapy! Laughter has been shown to boost moods, fight stress, and even improve heart health. In this blog post, we will discuss 12 reasons why laughter is the best medicine. We will also provide some tips on how to increase your laughter intake and improve your overall well-being!

1. It makes us happy.
And finally, the most important reason of all is why laughter is the best medicine – it makes us happy! When we laugh, we experience a sense of joy and happiness, and this can be extremely beneficial for our mental health. Laughter can help to brighten our moods when we’re feeling down, and it can also help to reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. So the next time you’re feeling a bit sad or stressed, make sure you have a good laugh – it could be just what you need to start feeling better again.
2. It relieves stress.
We all know that feeling when we’ve had a long, tough day at work and all we want to do is let off some steam. Well, laughter can actually help us to do just that. It releases endorphins – the happy hormones – into our bloodstreams, which in turn have a calming effect on our bodies and minds. So the next time you feel like you’re about to burst, try laughing instead – it really could make all the difference.
3. It boosts our immune systems.
Laughter isn’t just good for our mental health – it can also help to keep our physical health in check too. In fact, research has shown that laughter can increase our immunity by up to 20%. How amazing is that? So the next time you feel a cold or flu coming on, make sure you watch your favorite comedy show or read some funny jokes online – it could be just what you need to get back on your feet again.
4. It helps us to stay young-at-heart.
As we get older, it can sometimes be hard to keep our minds active and our spirits high. But laughter can help us to do just that. It’s been shown that laughter can help to reduce the signs of aging, as it keeps our brains active and engaged. So next time you feel like you’re starting to look a bit old and tired, make sure you have a good laugh – it could be all you need to turn back the clock.
5. It wards off depression.
Depression is a serious mental health condition that affects millions of people around the world each year. But did you know that laughter could actually be one of the best ways to ward it off? Laughter has been shown to increase our levels of serotonin – the feel-good hormone – and it can also help to boost our self-esteem. So if you’re feeling down, make sure you watch a funny movie or read some jokes online – it could be just what you need to start feeling better again.
6. It exercises our facial muscles.
As well as helping us to look younger, laughter can also help us to stay healthy in other ways too. For example, did you know that laughter actually exercises our facial muscles? This is because when we laugh, we use all the muscles in our face, from our eyebrows all the way down to our chin. So the next time you want to give yourself a bit of a facial workout, make sure you have a good laugh – you’ll be surprised at how effective it is.

7. It burns calories.
Believe it or not, laughter can actually help us to lose weight too. How? Well, when we laugh, our bodies release endorphins which in turn cause us to burn calories. In fact, according to one study, laughing for 10-15 minutes can burn up to 50 calories. So the next time you feel like raiding the fridge, make sure you watch a funny movie instead – you might be surprised at how much better you’ll feel afterward.
8. It lowers our blood pressure.
High blood pressure is a serious health condition that can lead to a number of other health problems. But did you know that laughter could actually help to lower our blood pressure? Laughter has been shown to reduce stress levels, and when we’re less stressed, our blood pressure tends to go down. So the next time you feel like your blood pressure is starting to creep up, make sure you have a good laugh – it could be just what you need.
9. It bonds us together.
Laughter is one of the best things that we can share with other people. It’s something that we can all enjoy no matter what our age or background is, and it’s a great way to bond with friends and family members. In fact, research has shown that laughter can actually help to strengthen our relationships with others. So the next time you’re feeling a bit lonely, make sure you watch a funny movie or tell some jokes – it could be just what you need to feel connected again.
10. It helps us to cope with stress.
We all know that stress can be bad for our mental and physical health. But did you know that laughter could actually help us to cope with it? Laughter has been shown to reduce stress levels, and when we’re less stressed, we’re less likely to experience the negative effects of stress. So the next time you feel overwhelmed by stress, make sure you have a good laugh – it could be just what you need.
11. It boosts our immune system.
Laughter has also been shown to boost our immune system, which means that we’re less likely to get sick when we laugh a lot. In fact, one study showed that people who laughed frequently had 50% more antibodies than those who didn’t laugh as much. So the next time you come down with a cold or the flu, make sure you watch some funny movies or read some jokes – it could be just what you need to help you get better faster.